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    Sunshine Property Group
    Sunshine Property Group

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Six reasons to choose SUNSHINE PROPERTY GROUP

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Our clients get the very best service and attention: we limit the number of properties in each Property Managers portfolio.

Property Management Only

Property Management Only

We are property management specialists: we have no sales department so property management is our sole focus.

Careful Selections

Careful Selections

We have a new suite of products carefully selected to give out clients the very best opportunities.

Great Reputation

Great Reputation

We are a trusted and well known company: the highest proportion of our referrals are word-of-mouth.

Dedicate Professionals

Dedicate Professionals

We have dedicate professionals who specialised in Property Management.

Customer Focus

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The Sunshine Property team are focus on delivering exceptional customer service.


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We take care of all areas of your property management. Focusing solely on rental management services, we are able to provide a level of personalized and professional service unmatched by larger real estate firms.

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从2021年7月1日起,私人房东必须确保其出租物业符合新标准。 2月24日,新西兰住房部长Phil Twyford 宣布了政府健康住房标准,其中对于出租房提出了新要求。 新的出租房标准: 加热器:出租房必须有一个固定的加热装置,能将起居室温度加热至18℃。 保温棉:天花板和地板下必须有符合2008建筑标准的保温棉,或者是安装最低厚度为120毫米的隔热材料。 通风:起居室,餐厅,厨房和卧室的窗户必须可以打开,室内炉灶以及浴室内必须有排风扇。 防潮和排水:如果出租物业有封闭的底层地板,如果可以安装,则必须有地板防潮层。有足够的排水系统,防止水进入家中。 透风:如果天花板、墙壁、窗户、地板和门上有任何不必要的空隙或漏洞,而这些空隙或漏洞会导致明显的气流穿过,房东就必须解决。所有未使用的烟囱和壁炉都要填封起来,以避免家中很难加热温度。 时间表: 从2021年7月1日起,私人房东必须确保其出租物业符合新标准。 从2023年7月起,所有新西兰公屋,以及注册的社区住房都必须符合健康标准。 从2024年7月起,所有出租房都必须符合最新标准。 根据之前的出租房标准,在2019年7月之前未按规定在其出租物业中安装保温层的房东将被视作违反“住宅租赁法”。房东可能面临最高4000纽币的罚款,这笔钱通常支付给租客。详情请点击:7月1日起,在新西兰当房东可能面临4000纽币罚款!

BySunshine Property Group

Law changes for rental properties

1 July 2019 What you need to know about insulation requirements and healthy homes standards on 1 July…

BySunshine Property Group

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